Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! All sellers on ChinaTimeDirect ship worldwide unless otherwise stated in their description. 🌎

North America – All 50 States including all of Canada. Estimated 5-14 business days delivery

South America – We Deliver to All South American Countries. Estimated 7-15 business days delivery

Europe – We Deliver to The All European Countries. Estimated 5-14 days business delivery

Middle East and Asia – We Deliver to all Middle Eastern & Asian Countries including all of India. Estimated 5-10 business days delivery

Africa - Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and many more. Estimated 10-20 days delievery

Australia - We deliever to every state in Australia. Estimated 5-10 business day delivery

Of course! All sellers are required to provide valid tracking numbers to customers. Didn't recieve your tracking number? Conatct Us

When your tracking number is provided you can track it onParcels App. You can also track it on 17track or directly on DHL or FedEx website.

If you are paying with credit card:

Fill out your billing and delivery information, fill in your credit card information and simply press the blue "Pay With Credit Card" Button. We accept all major credit and debit cards including American Express®, Visa®, Mastercard®, etc. Billing and Delivery address must be the same or the payment will not be accepted.

Payment Security ✅:

All credit card payments are processed through a secure and encrypted 256-bit SSL checkout. Our team will never see, or store any credit card information under any circumstances.

If you are paying with Bitcoin:

For Bitcoin payments only delivery information and email is required. After filling out these fields correctly you can press the green 'Pay With Bitcoin" Button. You will then be taken to a bitcoin checkout window where you can send bitcoin to the provided address. Once payment is verified on the blockchain your order will be processed immediately. In our navigation bar above press the check out button to proceed to the checkout page.

If this happens please do not worry. Most of the time customs agents will give you your package after inspection. They are making sure no hazardous materials or narcotics are being imported from China. This is a normal process in every country. In the event this happens you should wait up to a week and they usually will send it to you as we are only sending watches, shoes and/or clothing which are no threat. If not you can call them to recieve it. As they have no reason to hold a package if you are ordering only one or a few items. In the event they fully confiscate the package please contact us and we will resend a new package.

All sellers are required to box and bubble wrap items before sending out. In the event this does happen please send us detailed photos of the damaged item along with your shipping address and we will resend a new one or provide refund!

Every purchase made on ChinaTimeDirect is backed by a 30-day return policy. If an item arrives damaged or does not match the description provided, you are eligible for a full refund. To initiate a return, please contact us with your order number and the reason for the return, and we will promptly begin the process.
